What is Score A?
Score A Program (SAP) is an output learning program for school student that utilizes the Internet as online Web Education program.
What is output learning?
Attending classes in school, listen and absorb what teachers teach in class is a form input learning. Output learning is when the student learns by self testing what he has learnt in class. Answering questions and exercises improve the memories. The classic way of output learning is by exercise books or questionnaires.
Why output learning by the book is ineficient?
1. Have to self check and mark the answers manually.
2. Cannot repeat question (questions have marking)
3. No timing (or self timing – need discipline)
4. Too many books but yet too limited questions
5. Not interactive – get bored easily.
6. Books are expensive and less likely to be reuse.
Imagine all the questions in the books are loaded in one single system and made available online and interactive. The answer is SCORE A Program.
- the first in web education in Malaysia (established in 1999), 3 years of R&D with RM4.5 million worth of system development.
- Launch in 2002 for 14 ‘Sekolah Bistari’ for free. Endorsed by Ministry of Education.
Result : 90% of student scores straight As. - 400,000 student enrolled and counting.
- Supported by ‘Majlis Permuafakatan PIBG Kebangsaan’
- Launch for nationwide by YB Dato Sri ‘ Hishammuddin Tun Hussein in 2006.
- SPM Level recently launched by Deputy Prime Minister Malaysia, Y.A.B. Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on 27-Jun-2009 at PWTC.
What is in Score A Program?
Score A Content and Features
Score A official syllabus
The Score A Program covers the 100% latest syllabus from Malaysia Ministry of Education. Every single changes on the syllabus, it only takes 24 hours for the changes to be updated in Score A system. Can the classic books system have this?Score A as of now hold over 250,000 high quality questions in question bank, and it will always be updated. We have all the experts teachers acknowledged by the Ministry to safe guards and maintain those questions. They are the question creator (‘Penggubal soalan peperiksaan’) approved by the ‘Lembaga Peperiksaan Kebangsaan’.

- learn by answering multiple questions, with guided auto detect answer realtime.
- selection of 3 sets of question based on individual topic.
- eNotes related to the particular question accessible with one click.
- designed to mimic the gaming concept as prefered by students – level easy, medium, hard
- need to pass 80% mark to proceed to next level
- indirectly stimulate students to do more exercises repeatedly to climb to higher level
- all questions are according to current syllabus as taught in school.
- trial exam paper to familiarize students with exam environment
- equipped with auto timing (illustrated exam clock) – auto submit on time out.
- national level Score A Trial Exam for all Score A students to compete nationwide.
- collection of past year exam papers for UPSR and PMR since 1993
- equipped with auto timing (illustrated exam clock) – auto submit on time out.
- boost up students’ confident level.
- eReport makes it easy for parent to check the result of their kid’s test anytime, anywhere via online or real time SMS.
- eReport assists parent in monitoring progress, strength and weakness of their kids.
More Latest Features!
Nationwide Honors Roll
Through this Nationwide Honors Roll, students from all around Malaysia (and abroad) competes among each others to achieve the highest ranking. This encourages more practices and ensures better understanding in the subject.
For more information regarding this educational product kindly visit http://www.scorea.com/
You can try the demo login with the password 82828
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Score A Website: www.scorea.com